Tag: Sustainability

The latest news and views from the SWA
29th November 2023
Myth Busting Diversity and Inclusion

Have you heard any of these? DE&I is just about gender and race. DE&I is about exclusivity rather than inclusivity. DE&I is for HR, not a shared effort. DE&I is only about meeting quotas and ticking boxes. DE&I lowers standards (i.e. hiring less qualified candidates). There are not enough qualified diverse candidates. There are a lot of […]

23rd August 2023
Career change at 40: Making a career change at midlife

In the first part of our career changers mini-series, we focus on midlife career changes, those people in their 40s who would like to make changes in their lives. We will debunk the myth that career changes are only for the “young”, demonstrating that it's possible to switch careers at any stage of life and […]

The Scotch Whisky Association

Edinburgh HQ:
Quartermile Two, 2 Lister Square, Edinburgh EH3 9GL
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